The price You pay is the price displayed in respect of the relevant Goods on this Web Site at the time We receive Your order plus the applicable delivery charges.
Delivery charges and prices are subject to change. All prices are inclusive of GST (where applicable) at the current rate.
While We try and ensure that all prices on Our Web Site are accurate, errors may occur. If We discover an error in the price of the Goods You have ordered, We will inform You as soon as possible and give You the option of either reconfirming Your order at the correct price or cancelling it.
If We are unable to contact You, We will treat the order as cancelled. If we cancel an order due to an error in price and We have already received payment for the Goods, You will receive a full refund.
Payment is due at the time You place Your order.
Your payment for the Goods can be done by either debit or credit card. By ordering Goods from Our Web Site You are giving Us Your consent to pass details essential for purchasing Goods